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News at Our Hospital

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Charlottesville Heart and Stroke Walk moves online


Instead of meeting for a large in-person gathering, participants were able to meet in small teams and take their own walks.

Hospital Happenings

The business development team at UVA created the Servant Heart Award to honor a serving employee of their hospital during American Heart Month. Katie Knightly was the first recipient of the annual award. Katie was awarded the honor due to her dedication to her role and her patients, her strength as a team player, the superior service she provides to patients and co-workers, and her caring heart.

- UVA Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital

The business development team at UVA created the Servant Heart Award to honor a serving employee of their hospital during American Heart Month. Katie Knightly was the first recipient of the annual award. Katie was awarded the honor due to her dedication to her role and her patients, her strength as a team player, the superior service she provides to patients and co-workers, and her caring heart.

Hospital Happenings

Deputy Barney Fife came to UVA Encompass Health all the way from Mayberry for National Rehabilitation Awareness Week to ensure only the best quality of care for our patients and support for our amazing staff! Many tickets were dispersed for positivity and smiles demonstrated by our outstanding clinical teams!

- UVA Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital

Hospital Happenings

UVA Encompass Health starts National Rehabilitation Awareness Week off Stronger Together!

- UVA Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital

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